Even when I can’t see it, God is good.
He is spirit. A being so great, so complex, so holy, so righteous, that if I looked at Him for the smallest fraction of a second without His mercy, I would die. He carries me on eagles wings, so high I can’t even see the ground I tread – so of course sometimes I can’t see it.

Even when I don’t know it, God is good.
His ways are higher than mine. His thoughts more complex. His mind is everywhere, at all points in time, knowing all things, controlling the very streams of men’s hearts. His own will changing the course of nations and seasons alike – so of course sometimes I don’t know it.

Even when I can’t feel it, God is good.
He has felt all things. Temptation, pain, loss, righteous jealousy, holy wrath, joy indescribable, fury impalpable…yet all of these without sinning. So how can I doubt Him based on my feelings when He has always been faithful despite His? Of course sometimes I won’t feel the way I should.

When I’m bad, He is good.
When I am “good”, He is good.
Uncontrollable, all-powerful, unshakeable, ever-faithful, He will pour out His righteous judgement on those who deserve His wrath, yet will have mercy on us who don’t deserve it. Who can comprehend this mystery? It brings me to my knees when I think about it, joy to my heart when I talk about it, and tears to my eyes when I see it.

Hallelujah! God is good!

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